Maksim Mrvica in My Life
毫无疑问,Maksim对我的人生造成了重大影响。 There is no doubt that Maksim Mrvica has made crucial efftcts to me, to my characters. Maksim最大的亮点无疑在于他的跨界钢琴音乐。他将古典音乐和电子音乐结合起来的做法,走出了一条前所未有的路。这种新的音乐表现形式不仅令人耳目一新,更实现了他多年的心愿——让更多的年轻观众接受并喜爱上古典音乐。 What makes Maksim special is definitely his crossover piano music. He combines classical music and electronic music together, creating a brand new way of performing music. The crossover genre is not only refreshing to the audience, but also helping him achieving his dream -- to let young audience today be interested in classical music. 他作为跨界钢琴演奏家的形象,更是给我以极大的鼓舞和自信,使我的性格变得更加自信。这大概是Maksim对我最大的影响。 Also, his appearance as a crossover pianist stimulates and inspires me so much, that my character has changed to be more confident. This is probably the most important influence he has had on me. 我还发现一件有趣的事,那就是Maksim几乎每年都换一种新造型,每年都很有特点,给人很深的印象。这里让我们来回顾一下他从2003年正式出道以来每一年的造型吧。 I also found that Maksim changes his looking every single year, and each of his images is impre...